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School Policies

Citizenship Rubric

Citizenship Rubric

Weber High School




Key Word:  “Consistently”



Key Word:  “Usually”


Needs Improvement

Key Word:  “Sometimes”



Key Word:  “Seldom”

Work Habits in Class

___Consistently begins work promptly.

___Completes work on time.

___Consistently stays on task all of the time.

___Usually begins work promptly.

___Tries to complete work on time.

___Usually stays on task.

___Sometimes needs direction to begin work promptly.

___Does not usually begin work on time.

___Stays on task some of the time.

___Seldom begins work promptly.

___Seldom completes work on time.

___Stays on task little of the time.

Group Work

___Works as a leader in the group.

___Consistently shares ideas in group discussions.

___Encourages others to participate.

___Works well in group activities.

___Shares some ideas in group discussions.

___Helps other students in the group.

___Sometimes needs support to work in group.

___Sometimes shares ideas.

___Cooperates with the group.

___Seldom works well.

___Seldom shares ideas.

___Often distracts others or creates problems for the group.


___Consistently respectful in class.

___Looks for ways to improve atmosphere of respect in classroom.

___Usually respectful in class.

___Usually helps improve atmosphere of respect in classroom.

___Is learning how to be respectful in class.

___Sometimes needs reminders to help improve atmosphere of respect in classroom.

___Seldom shows respect in class.

___Seldom helps improve atmosphere of respect in classroom.

Listening Skills/

Following Directions and Routines

___Consistently listens to teacher instructions.

___Consistently listens when other students share ideas.

___Consistently follows directions and supports classroom routines.

___Usually listens to teacher instructions.

___Usually listens when other students share ideas.

___ Usually follows directions and supports classroom routines.

___Sometimes listens to teacher instructions.

___Sometimes listens when other students share ideas.

___ Sometimes follows directions and supports classroom routines.

___Seldom listens to teacher instructions.

___Seldom listens when other students share ideas.

___ Seldom follows directions and supports classroom routines.


___Consistently comes prepared for class.

___Consistently takes full responsibility for behavior.

___Consistently takes initiative to solve problems responsibly.

___Usually prepared for class.

___ Usually takes full responsibility for behavior.

___ Usually takes initiative to solve problems responsibly.

___Sometimes prepared for class.

___ Sometimes takes full responsibility for behavior.

___ Sometimes takes initiative to solve problems responsibly.

__Seldom prepared for class.

___ Seldom takes full responsibility for behavior.

___ Seldom takes initiative to solve problems responsibly.