Fee Waiver

All applications send to Email Ryan Gross

Fees, as identified by the Weber School District Board of Education, will be waived in accordance with the Utah State Board of Education standards for students hose parents or legal guardians verify evidence of inability to pay. Inability to pay is defined as those who are in state custody, foster care, or receiving public assistance in the form of Aid for Dependent Children, Supplemental Security Income for a disabled child, or are eligible according to Income Eligibility Guidelines July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025; and, that case-by-case determinations are made for those who do not qualify under one of the foregoing standards, but who, because of extenuating circumstances such as, but not limited to, exceptional financial burdens such as loss or substantial reduction of income or extraordinary medical expenses, are not reasonably capable of paying the fee.

To apply for a fee waiver, the parent or legal guardian must submit the School Fee Waiver Application in addition to income verification, if applicable, to the local school fees administrator. The parent or legal guardian will then receive a Fee Waiver Decision and Appeal Form stating whether or not the application is approved.

If a request of a fee waiver is denied, the student or parent may appeal the decision to the local school principal. If the administration upholds the decision to deny the fee waiver, the student or parent may appeal to the district director over elementary or secondary education, depending on whether the student is in elementary or secondary schools.

Fee Waiver Application

All applications send to Email Ryan Gross