
Dr. Ryan Kachold, Principal

My vision for our school includes two fundamental components that I try to weave into every element of school improvement I work with in our school and community. First, it is my most sincere wish that by the time I depart from Weber High, whenever that may be, our teachers collectively feel like they have significant influence over the results they produce. I want them to feel like, together, they can solve any problem or barrier that might stand in the way of educating our incredible students. Second, and on a more quantitative landscape, I believe that Weber High can be ranked within the top 15% of all K12 education institutions in the state of Utah, public, private, or charter. For comparison, in the 2022-2023 school year, we were in top 24% of all schools. I believe these two components, if achieved, will make Weber High a distinctive and exceptional place for all of our local families to send their children.

Office of School Improvement Responsibilities

Community relations

School improvement plan

Mission and vision

Instructional improvement

Weber School District Elevate28 alignment

Instructional coach program

Professional development program

School finance and fiscal state



School LAND Trust

Community Council



This is a vision board that hangs in my office currently. Referenced here is an image from Hattie's meta analysis that illustrates the leverage that collective teacher efficacy can bring to student achievement. The image on the left is an image from Weber High's Utah School Report Card interface.