School Policies

Weber High School Information and Policies

Activity ID Cards:  
All students will receive an activity ID card with Photo ID.  Students are required to carry their ID card at all times. This includes admission to school dances. The card will be used for identification, student check-in/check-out, cafeteria and media center services, transactions with the bookkeeper, and will be required for admission to activities and games.  This card entitles students to attend many of the school functions held during the year free or at reduced rates.  The activity card must be used only by the person to whom it is issued.  Any violation of this rule may result in forfeiture of the card.  Students are encouraged to participate in as many of the extracurricular activities as possible. The replacement fee for lost cards is $5.00.

Students are encouraged to attend and support assemblies.  Students will either remain in their FLEX class, or attend the assembly.  Proper conduct includes being attentive, appreciative and respectful.  Students should refrain from talking, whistling, or shouting out during the program.  Students should not walk on or put feet on the chairs in the auditorium.  Inappropriate behavior may result in loss of assembly privileges and/or cancellation of the assembly.  Students should be prompt going to assemblies and plan on staying during the entire performance.  Students are not to leave campus during assemblies.   A student who leaves campus during an assembly without properly checking out may be marked truant. Students are not allowed to be in the halls during assemblies.

A student should check in at the attendance office when arriving late, and check out when leaving the building or campus during the school day (other than during their lunch time) or he/she will be considered truant from classes.  If your student is absent, please call the school attendance office between 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. at 801-476-3705 or 801-476-3719. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF PARENTS TO CALL WHEN A STUDENT IS ABSENT. After 5 school days an absence cannot be excused.  Special arrangements need to be made in the case of prolonged absences.   

 A student more than 15 minutes late or missing 15 minutes or more of class will be marked absent.

A student more than 10 minutes late or missing 10 minutes or more of “flex” class will be marked absent.

Attendance Policy:  

Weber High follows the Weber School District Attendance/Citizenship Policy.  The complete policy may be reviewed from 4 – Students.

  1. Absences:  Five absences in any class during any term will result in a loss of .25 units of attendance credit in each class involved.  Students will lose .25 attendance credit on the 8th absence in their Flex class.  Allowances may be made for pre-arranged absence, students experiencing a long term illness, or absences incurred for circumstances beyond the student’s control.  Absences will appear on the portal daily so that students and parents can keep track of a student’s attendance. 

    1. Parent excused absence: A parent or guardian must call the attendance secretary within 5 school days of an absence to excuse the absence. Absences must be excused in order for the student to make up any work missed. A parent excuse still counts against attendance credit.

  2. Tardies:  Attendance credit will be lost if the student has 5 or more tardies in any class during the quarter.   Students will lose .25 attendance credit on the 8th tardy in their Flex class.     

  3. Truancy:  Truancy is defined as a condition in which a school age child, without a valid excuse, is absent for at least half of the school day.   Two truancies in any class will result in the loss of attendance credit.  

Absences - Pre-Arranged: 
If parents request to have their student excused from school for 3 days or longer, for a reason other than illness or family emergencies, arrangements need to be made in advance. Students pick up and complete a Pre-Arranged Absence Form from the attendance office to have all of their teachers sign. It must be returned to the attendance office prior to the absence. 

              If a student knows ahead of time that they will be absent (pre-arranged, school excused, etc.), the teacher  expects the student to notify them prior and complete as much school work as possible during their absence to keep as current as possible in their class. 

Pre-arranged absences are typically a minimum of three days in duration and will not count against attendance credit loss. 

Attendance Credit Make-up Options and Procedures:
In Weber School District all attendance credit loss over .75 must be made up before graduation and to meet eligibility requirements for athletics, team events, student government, and all other activities in which students represent any WSD High School.

Contact RoFxann Taylor, the attendance secretary, to set up your plan. 801-476-3705

In-School Service Hours:  
Students who need to make up attendance credit loss (more than .75 overall credit loss), will be required to accomplish in-school service requirements.  Every 5 hours of in-school service worked will reinstate .25 attendance credit.  In-school service credit will be awarded after necessary fees are paid to the bookkeeper.  A $15 fee is charged per .25 attendance credit loss, with a maximum limit of $90 fee for a student’s high school career.  The receipt for payment of these fees must be attached to the in-school service credit sheet/contract obtained from the school attendance coordinator. 

In-School Service Hours Requirements:  
To encourage students with attendance issues to “give back” to the school/district, these activities include but are not limited to...cleanup after games/activities, weeding and planting, campus cleanup, building cleanup etc.  All service hours done at any school must be done under the supervision and direction of the custodial staff and/or the athletic director.  They will sign off on all hours worked.  Exceptions to this must be pre-approved by a Weber High administrator. 

Other Attendance Credit Recovery Options:    For all options below, a $15 fee is charged per .25 attendance credit loss, with a maximum limit of $90 fee for a student’s high school career.

10 Days:  
If a student attends 10 school days in a row, without ANY absences or tardies, they can earn 0.25 attendance credit.  The student is responsible for recognizing that they have earned 10 days straight and  contacting the attendance secretary to inform her of the 10 days.  Once verified, .25 attendance credit will be restored.  

Attendance Credit Recovery Class:  
Offered multiple times per quarter.  The class will consist of 7.50 total hours, Monday-Friday from 2:35-4:05 PM and will restore .75 of attendance credit loss.  ALL five days MUST be attended. $20 fee (Attendance class fee will be applied to the $90.00 maximum). You may take the class as many times as you like.

Clean Quarter:  
A student attending one quarter without losing attendance credit for absences/tardies in any class may restore one full previous quarter of attendance credit loss. This make up option may be used more than once.  If you are a SENIOR, the clean quarter does not apply during 4th quarter.  There is no limit to the amount of “clean quarters” that can be earned!  Clean quarters must however be earned during the year in which they are used to restore attendance credit loss.  Clean quarters cannot be “banked” for future use.  The student is responsible for recognizing that they have earned a clean quarter and then contacting the attendance secretary to use their earned clean quarter to restore lost attendance credit.

Weber High School holds one Awards Assembly each year. Only activities sanctioned by the Utah Activities Association will be recognized in assemblies.

Cell phones and other electronic devices:  
The use of cellular/data devices is not permitted during class time without teacher permission. These devices are distractions to the educational process, should not be seen or heard during class time and can only be used during class as instructed by the teacher.  If a student chooses to bring these devices to school, Weber High is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items.  Students are strictly responsible for their own digital media devices.  If devices are borrowed or taken and misused by non-owners, device owners are jointly responsible for the misuse or policy violation(s).  

The use of cell phones is Never appropriate during testing.  
Students should not have these items in their possession during testing situations; possession of these devices during testing situations could result in the invalidation of the test and the loss of the opportunity to retake the test (Standardized tests, AP tests, end of level tests, etc.).

Parents:  If you believe that you have a valid reason (such as medical reasons) for your student to be exempt from this school policy, you may submit your request for exemption in writing to the administration at Weber High; this should be done before the start of the school year or as soon as you become aware of the special circumstances.  This cell phone/digital media devices policy does not apply to the sanctioned use of cell phones/digital media devices by students under the direct supervision of their teachers for educational purposes, medical, or emergency situations. Video camera, and audio recorder use is strictly prohibited in the restrooms, locker rooms, and private dressing areas of the school.  Taking and/or posting pictures or video or audio of another person Without their permission is strictly prohibited and consequences could be severe.   Filming/taking pictures on school campus during school hours must be under the direction of a teacher. Violation of the camera policy will require the same consequences as other electronic devices. In addition, pictures and/or film may also be viewed and deleted and/or given to the proper authorities if deemed inappropriate by school administrators. 

1:1 Devices

Any time that a student is observed using a cellular/data device during class time, the teacher may take the cell phone or device, and may take it to the office.  The teacher will also tag the incident on the discipline tracker with a description of the incident.

Due Process:  

     First Offense:  Cell phones will be returned to students at the end of the same school day if this is a first offense (school wide during the current school year).  

     Second Offense:  Violations after the first offense will result in a parent conference; the cell phone will only be returned to a parent or legal guardian.

     Three or more violations:  More serious disciplinary action (including in school suspension) may be taken if students continue to violate the school policy.

School administrator or designee may search digital media devices based on reasonable suspicion that they contain evidence of a violation of school rules or policy.

 Change of Address or Phone Number:  

Changes can be made through a parent’s portal account found at MyWeber

 Check/cash/debit or Credit Card Payments:  

Weber High School does NOT give cash back via a debit card transaction.  We accept checks only for the exact amount of required payment.  Insufficient fund checks will be turned over to a collection agency that charges $30.00 per check in addition to the amount owed the school.  Please do not ask the bookkeeper or other office personnel to make change for smaller bills.

We value academic integrity and do not permit any form of dishonesty, plagiarism or deception that unfairly, improperly or illegally enhances the grade of an individual, a group assignment or a final grade. Many people think of plagiarism as copying another’s work or borrowing someone else’s original ideas. 

Terms like “copying”, “sharing” or “borrowing” can disguise the seriousness of the offense. You also need to be careful to distinguish between collaborative assignments assigned by a teacher, such as lab groups. 

**    We will be using an online program to verify authenticity. 

All of the following are considered plagiarism:

  • Turning in someone else’s work as your own.

  • Copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit. 

  • Failing to put a quotation in quotation marks.

  • Giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation.

  • Changing words, but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit.

  • Copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work whether you give credit or not.

  • To cut and paste work that is not your own and handing it in is plagiarism.

According to U.S. law, the expression of original ideas is considered intellectual property, and is protected by copyright laws, just like original inventions.

Students who violate the cheating/plagiarism policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.   Any incident of cheating may result in a “U” citizenship grade in the class for the quarter and a grade of zero (0) on the assignment, test or activity where the cheating was involved.

 Citizenship:  Weber High follows the Weber School District Citizenship Policy.  The citizenship grading rubric for Weber High School may be reviewed from our school website located under the “students” tab

Weber High School has both clubs and groups for student activities.  Clubs are organizations directly related to the school curriculum.  There are many different clubs functioning at Weber High School involved with specific curriculum areas, or community/school service.  Students are urged to broaden their interests and abilities by joining one or more of these clubs.  Most clubs meet before or after school on a regular basis, they are directed by a faculty advisor and officers are elected.  All clubs must be chartered through student government.  An application for starting a new club may be picked up from the Student Government Advisor.  All clubs and groups must have a school advisor. 

 Groups are not directly related to the curriculum and are initiated by students enrolled at Weber.  Groups are not sponsored or supported by the school or district but are recognized for purposes of granting a place within Weber High School to meet during non-instructional time.  Groups are not permitted to make announcements.  The advisor will monitor all meetings held on school premises, but does not participate in any activity or discussion of the group.  Groups are permitted to use the building as long as permission is granted and undue stress is not placed on the building or employees.  Other use of facilities (athletic fields, equipment, etc.) are not permitted unless such is rented out as would any 3rd party.  Rules and regulations for both clubs and groups are available in the Student Success Center.  

  • Each club or group must have a disclosure statement and a parental agreement signature giving permission for their student to be in that particular club or group. 

Students are expected to behave in a manner that will be a credit to themselves and the school, whether at school or at school sponsored activities.  They should take pride in the way they dress, the kind of language they use, and the way they behave.  Each student is expected to show respect to other students and staff members.  Students are expected to follow UHSAA behavior guidelines at school sponsored UHSAA events.  The expectations of behavior can be found at UHSAA.  Failure to follow the guidelines from UHSAA may result in disciplinary action by administration.  Any student who feels harassed, intimidated, or threatened should report the  situation immediately to an administrator. Abusive or inappropriate conduct (verbal or physical,) directed toward another student or toward a staff member (such as harassment, bullying, cyber bullying, inappropriate social media use, inappropriate displays of affection, threats, profanity, intimidating gestures, confrontational actions, or physical contact such as pushing, assaulting or fighting) will not be tolerated, and will result in administrative intervention.  Continued problems may result in removal from Weber High School. Staff members (administrators, teachers, and other workers) are expected to help students behave properly, and students are subject to the authority of all staff members while at school activities.  Conduct (including social media conduct) that occurs off school grounds needs to be reported to local law enforcement.  The SafeUT website and app are also encouraged to be used to report bullying/harassment, threats and mental health concerns.

Controlled Substances, Illicit Drugs, Alcohol, or Tobacco:  
The possession or use of tobacco, e-cigarettes, alcohol, intoxicants, controlled substance(s), or abuse of prescription or over the counter substances of any kind is prohibited in or around any school building or school property owned or operated by Weber School District.  Use or possession of any of these substances is also prohibited off the school grounds at any school activity, function, or event.  Possession and/or use of tobacco, e-cigarettes, alcohol, or any controlled substance(s) will result in disciplinary action following current Weber School District Policy.  

Counseling and Guidance:  
A counselor is assigned to each student.  Guidance services include assistance with educational planning, interpretation of test scores, occupational information, career information, college admissions, scholarship information, study skills and/or help with school, home or other concerns.  A student needing to visit his/her counselor should make an appointment with the counseling office. We have a full time mental health specialist in the building to assist with the mental and emotional needs of our students.

Friday or Saturday night dances usually begin at 8:00 p.m. and end at 10:30 p.m.  Dress guidelines (formal, semi-formal, best dress, etc.) for dances will be determined by the sponsoring group and approved by the administration.  It is recommended that formal wear  be worn at formal dances i.e. suits, slacks, dress shirt and tie.  Dresses for formal, semi-formal and best dress dances should be long evening dresses or dressy suits.  No Jeans or Shorts are to be worn at any formal, following reasons:  Health and safety of the individual and others as well as prevention and intervention.  

 Eligibility and Extracurricular Requirements:  
Any student who participates in school sponsored extracurricular events is a representative of Weber High. You are in the spotlight and your actions may be closely scrutinized by many people. You are not only expected to follow the rules of the team, school and district, but to set a proper example. We expect you to be disciplined, maintain high expectations for yourself and make choices that exemplify high character. You must meet and maintain all eligibility standards.

Academic Eligibility Standard

               To be eligible to participate in Weber High School sanctioned activities, a student must meet UHSAA guidelines:

(A)    Cannot fail more than one subject in the preceding grading period or current grading period if the quarters ends during the season/activity (for purposes of this rule, a failure in a multi-period subject shall be counted as the number of failures equal to the number of periods in the class);

(B)    Must have obtained a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or its equivalent in the preceding grading period or current grading period if the quarter ends during the season/activity.

  • A student who has failed to meet the minimum requirements set forth shall be ineligible for participation in Weber High School activities throughout the next grading period, provided however, that deficiencies in the final grading period of the school year may be made up prior to tryouts of the sport the student plans to participate in.  Deficiencies must be made up in the same subject area.

  • The scholastic regulations apply to any ninth grade student at a junior high, who has established eligibility at Weber High School as provided in this policy.

  • Eligibility under this rule is determined when grades are posted.  Grades are “posted” when the school registrar enters all grades electronically and are available to students, parents and teachers.  Weber High follows the UHSAA guidelines for posting grades and eligibility for extracurricular activities. 

  • Summer School makeup will be allowed only for the subject failed.

(C)   Any “I” will be considered as an “F” for the purpose of calculating the GPA/Eligibility. The “I” will be  factored into the GPA as an “F” until made up.   

Attendance Eligibility
Attendance loss must be at .75 or lower to be allowed to play for a team. If attendance is over .75, it must be made up prior to playing for a team.  If attendance loss increases above .75 the student is deemed ineligible for participation and will not be allowed to play, travel or sit on the bench with the team.  They may try-out but only practice with the team.

Regarding Sports Where the Season Extends Over Two Different Quarters
(Example: winter / spring sports)  If a student has accumulated more than .75 credits of attendance loss at the end of a grading period, attendance hours and fee must be made up and cleared by the attendance secretary. When hours are cleared, the attendance secretary will notify the coach that the student is once again eligible. The student is ineligible until cleared by the secretary.

School Policies Eligibility Standard
A student must be in compliance with all UHSAA, Weber High policies and expectations in order to participate in any adjudicated competition or performance. Violation of school policies or expectations including the Safe School Policy (which includes harassment, insubordination, threats, drug and alcohol, etc.) may result in loss of eligibility and/or dismissal from the team or group.

Utah High School Activities Association has stated that eligibility is determined when grades are posted. Grade changes after that time cannot restore lost eligibility except for a documented error.   

Eligibility Appeal Committee
Weber High School provides a standards committee which is made up of teachers, administrators, athletic director and a school counselor. The committee may hear appeals of a failure to meet minimum eligibility requirements and/or requirements outlined in a student constitution or disclosure agreement and/or appeals of disciplinary action imposed by advisors/coaches and/or school administration.  Appeals of a failure to meet minimum eligibility requirements and/or requirements  may be heard by the appeals committee in cases only where the circumstances  were beyond the student’s control.  

All appeals must be made in writing to the student’s administrator.  If ineligible for the grading period prior to the activity beginning, the appeal request must be submitted at least 3 schools days before tryouts begin.  The student will have the opportunity to present their case to the committee and the committee will vote on whether to lessen the original disciplinary action, keep it the same, increase the severity, or make any other changes to the original disciplinary action that they see fit.  The decision by the standards committee will be final with no appeal.  

As per UHSAA rules, appeals are not available for the minimum UHSAA consequences of failure to meet the minimum UHSAA academic eligibility standards listed above.  UHSAA  has minimum consequences for other behaviors, such as alcohol use or the use of illegal drugs, which cannot be appealed.  Students who do not meet the minimum UHSAA academic eligibility standards (listed above) will be denied participation in accordance with the standards, without the right to an appeal.  

Boundary Exceptions
Any student transferring from another school to Weber High may not try out for a sanctioned sport unless given the approval by the Utah High School Activities Association.

School Excused Absences:  
An electronic green slip will be sent to all teachers concerning students involved in any educational field trip, testing, or other school related activity. It is the students responsibility to communicate with their teachers ahead of the absence to get assignments they will be missing and get them completed in a timely manner. 

Drug and Alcohol Testing: 
Students who participate in extracurricular activities will be subject to random drug and alcohol testing.  The policy regarding this can be accessed through and Procedures Students – Article 4505. 

FLEX Class:  
The purpose of FLEX is for students to get remediation and help from one of their teachers. FLEX classes are 35 minutes long and will be held every day except Early Out days.   FLEX classes will be between 1st/5th and 2nd/6th periods. All students will be assigned a FLEX teacher which will be a teacher whose class they are in each semester.  If a student is failing a core class, they will be assigned to the core teacher whose class they have failed.  Most student assemblies and announcements will happen during the FLEX class period. 

Fighting at school or any school function may be cause for immediate suspension of both participants and may involve a police referral. There will be no distinction made between “play fighting” and real fighting.

Subsequent fighting may result in district referral, police referral, and possible loss of opportunity to attend Weber High.

All monies raised through school fundraisers (or in the name of the school, event or program), events, or donations become the property of the school and the program for which they were raised or donated.  Funds Raised Through These Methods Are Not the Property of Individual Students and Will Not, Under Any Circumstance or for Any Reason, Ever Be Refunded, Cashed Out or Given Back to Individual Students.  Students raising more funds than requested by their coach, advisor, or program do so for the benefit of the program and/or the school.

Likewise, if a student or parent pays for expenses associated with a particular program (i.e. player packs, team camp costs, etc.) and then LATER raises funds through a school fundraiser, money is not refunded to students or parents to cover previous expenses for which they paid.

Graduation Ceremony:
The graduation ceremony is optional.   You may choose to participate in the ceremony to celebrate your accomplishments or you may pick up your diploma at a later date from the high school.   The ceremony is an opportunity to reflect on your experience as a Warrior and celebrate a significant passage in your life.  It is deserving of respectful behavior and decorum from both participants and their guests.  All graduates deserve the courtesy of hearing their names announced without undue noise from the audience.  If a student and/or guest distracts from the ceremony, he/she may be removed from the premises.  Objects, such as noisemakers/air horns, balloons, signs (any object considered a distraction to the event) are not allowed in the Dee Events Center.  

Every graduate must wear a cap and gown.  Jostens is our provider of the caps and gowns for all students that would like to participate in the graduation ceremony.  Graduation caps will remain plain on top without letters, words, or messages.  Please make sure your gown is pressed and fits properly.  It is recommended that students dress nicely for graduation.    

Harassment, Hazing or Assault: Weber High School’s goal is to create an atmosphere of acceptance and safety. Harassment (sexual or other and in person or via social media), hazing or assault will not be tolerated at Weber High School to any degree or form.  Unwanted verbal or physical advances exchanged among students are inappropriate behaviors and are in violation of the Civil Rights Act.  Unwelcome sexual gestures or advances can have a negative impact on any/all individuals.  It must be acknowledged that harassment in our schools creates a hostile environment that compromises student’s educational, emotional, and behavioral lives.  Harassment shows disrespect for its victims, whether they are male or female.  The Difference Between Good-natured, Harmless Fun and Harassment is How It Makes the Other Person Feel, No Matter What the Intent.  

Any form of harassment, student hazing*, assault, or bodily injury to another student or committing any act that degrades or disgraces any person will not be allowed 1) on school grounds; 2) off school grounds in connection with any school sponsored activity, function, or event; 3) during school provided transportation; 4) off school grounds harassment should be reported immediately to local law enforcement. Forms of harassment may include, but are not limited to: texting, social media, verbal, physical, and sexual.

Students who violate this policy may be:

  • Suspended from school

  • Placed on a school contract

  • Referred to the law enforcement agency or the District Office for safe school violation

  • Other administrative disciplinary actions as deemed appropriate for the infraction

*Includes initiations which require or coerce another student to do something they would not ordinarily do or conduct that subjects another to extreme embarrassment, shame or humiliation in order to gain acceptance or membership into an organization, team or group.

 Victims Rights

  • Students of Weber High are entitled to a safe environment that is conducive to learning and individual growth. All students at Weber High School assume a responsibility to abide by the policies and regulations expressed in the Student Handbook.  In the case of behavior misconduct, Weber High will make every effort to treat victims of behavior with fairness, respect and dignity.  We will do everything within reason to protect the rights of the victim whenever possible.

  • Weber High Administration will conduct initial interviews and determine the seriousness of the behavior and determine the course of action.  Any behavioral misconduct determined to be criminal activity will be reported to the Resource Officer as soon as possible.  If the Resource Officer is not available local dispatch will be notified.

  • Weber High Administration will investigate any and all reports of bullying, hazing or retaliation.  The policy is in place to protect the learning environment of the school and its students.  

  • Resources for help include the “SafeUT”  tipline (i.e. an anonymous reporting system established to relay messages from students, faculty, and community to Weber High Administration), a full time School Resource Officer, a full time mental health specialist and school counselors.

  • All faculty/staff members have a duty to report violations to the Weber High administration and allow the administration to determine if such behavior warrants investigation.  Teachers and staff are required to handle incidents on the school discipline tracker.  Any situations determined to warrant administration action will be communicated to the administration as soon as possible.

Each student is required to view the District Bullying and Hazing Video.

Students need to allocate time for homework every day.  For academic success it is imperative that students study at home daily to complete assignments and to review material.  If a student is absent for an extended period of time (at least 2 “A” days and 2 “B” days), homework may be requested by contacting the teachers via e-mail through

I.D. Cards:  (See activity cards)

Students may letter in school approved academic and/or Utah High School Activities Association (UHSAA) sanctioned athletic activities.  A complete description of the requirements for lettering in each area may be obtained from the respective coach or advisor.

Lockers are school property and are issued as requested by students for the storage of school books, materials and personal items.  Students are responsible for the upkeep of their assigned locker.   School officials reserve the right to search any or all lockers based on probable cause.  Illegal items found in lockers may be confiscated and students to whom the lockers are assigned may be prosecuted.  Locker combinations should be carefully guarded.  Money or other valuables should never be left in student lockers. Weber High School is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.

P.E. Lockers:  
It is the responsibility of the student to make sure his/her P.E. locker is locked at all times.  A lock will be provided for each student and a $10.00 replacement fee will be charged for any lock that is damaged or lost.  Weber High School is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.

 Off Campus Activities:  
No school activities, other than officially sanctioned activities of the UHSAA, may be held off-campus without the consent of the administration. 


  • Parking space at Weber High School is limited. Purchase of a parking tag does not guarantee available parking. Students are also allowed to park on the city streets but must obey civil law, be aware of snow removal regulations, and respect personal property, driveways, mailboxes, etc. Students are strongly encouraged to use city and school transportation and/or carpool with other students.

  •  A tag may be obtained by completing an application and paying $10.00 to the bookkeeper.  Purchasing of a parking pass does not guarantee a parking spot. 

  • It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that the purchased parking permit is displayed and is easily visible in the front windshield to avoid being ticketed. 

  • Students are to park in the main east parking lot or the Driving Range (until 3PM only).  

  • No student parking is allowed in numbered stalls, in visitor parking, near the tennis courts, behind the school, the church parking lot or the west parking lot.  

  • Vehicles that park in the church parking lot are subject to towing at the owner’s expense per church policy.  

  • NO vehicle is allowed to park in fire lanes, handicapped areas (unless handicapped tag is displayed), on sidewalks, on grass, or in NO PARKING areas.  Illegally parked cars will be ticketed/booted/towed.  

  • All vehicles parked in WHS lots should be locked and not contain items of value.  

  • Weber High is not responsible for items that are stolen or vehicles that are damaged.  

  • Any vehicle suspected of harboring illegal substances or dangerous items is subject to a search. 


  • Vehicles Parked in Emergency Access Lanes Are Subject to Immediate Towing 24 Hours Per Day.  

  • The fines for parking tickets are progressive:  

    • 1st ticket: $10.00 

    • 2nd ticket: $15.00

    • 3rd ticket: $20.00, etc. up to $25.00 per ticket.  

Any violation could result in the vehicle being booted, or towed at the owner’s expense.

Each student will have his/her activity card and yearbook picture taken on a designated day.  Appropriate school dress is required for ID card and yearbook pictures.  (See Dress Policy) 

Report Cards:  
Mid-term Progress Reports:  Progress reports are available  through the portal at mid-terms each quarter.  A midterm grade is a progress grade only.

End of term report cards will be available on the portal approximately  three days after the term ends.  Please contact the school if you cannot access a report card.  

Schedule Changes:  
Every effort has been made through counseling and careful scheduling to assure that students are registered in courses appropriate for graduation and for their CCR plan.  Schedules have been built and teachers hired to cover specific classes requested by students.  The schedule is very tight and most classes are at capacity.  Schedule Change Requests Are Not Guaranteed.

Schedule Change Prior to the Semester Start

  • If a schedule change is necessary prior to the start of a semester, students will fill out the request via a Google sheet then pay the $10 fee to the bookkeeper.

  • Schedule changes will not be completed until the fee, if required, is paid.  

  • Once the schedule is changed, the new schedule may be accessed via the portal.


Schedule Change During a Quarter/term

  •  The class change form may be picked up from the Student Success Center and must be completed with all required signatures.  Sometimes this process also requires a conference with an administrator, the drop teacher, the student, parents and the counselor.

  • Pay the bookkeeper the required $10.00 schedule change fee and attach the receipt to the signed schedule change form.

  • Return the form to the Student Success Center. Make sure teachers have signed the form prior to turning in the form.

  • The schedule change will not take place until it is properly signed and the fee paid.

  • Students will have 2 school days (not 2 A or B days) from the date of the request (the day the form is picked up). Failure to return the completed paperwork within that time frame will result in the forfeiture of the class change request.

  • The class change will only be considered if there is room in the class being requested. Do NOT ask the counselor’s to overload a class. Do NOT ask a teacher to overload their class.

  • Class changes will not be considered after the first 2 A days or 2 B days of the semester. This is adequate time for a student to know if the class in question will be agreeable.

  • Teacher-to-teacher switches will not be considered without prior teacher/parent/student interventions.

  • If the change is approved all work missed in the new class is required to be made up. It’s not excused because a change is done!

  • No changes are made after midterms as this is  4 ½ weeks into the quarter.

  • We cannot accommodate teacher requests as the class loads are balanced

Reminder:  Only a ‘P’ (pass) or ‘F’ (fail) grade can be earned for AP Contract, math lab, any aid class or in special circumstances, when administration deems it appropriate.

School Choice:  
Students who wish to attend a school in the Weber School District other than their resident school must complete and return the proper application to the non-resident school during the month of January.  Open enrollment applications need to be submitted between January 1st and February 15th to the school students wish to attend.

Skateboards, Longboards, Roller Blades, Scooters, and in-shoe Skates:  
These items are not permitted to be ridden or worn in the building or on school property.

Social Media:
It is imperative that all students, including those in any extracurricular activities, clubs, groups and leadership organizations understand that they are expected to adhere to appropriate posting standards regarding any social media.  Any post that causes an educational disruption or unsafe environment at school including photos, posts, instant messages, texts, tweets, snapchats, etc.  will be investigated by administration and law enforcement. Standards related to appropriate use of social media platforms include, but are not limited to:  cyber-bullying; harassment (all forms and directed at either fellow students or school employees); lewd, suggestive, or sexually explicit posts/photos; discriminatory remarks/posts; posts/photos depicting or promoting illegal activities (alcohol, drugs, e-cigs), re-tweeting any/all of the above, etc.

Student Information System:  

  • In an effort to improve and increase the opportunity for parents to be more involved in the educational process, we encourage you to login to the parent portal frequently to access attendance, lunch accounts and make changes to demographics such as phone numbers.   MyWeber  If you have any questions call Weber High – 801-476-3700.

  • Academic content, assignments and due dates are available on Canvas.

  • To learn more about Canvas, click on this link Parent Guide to Navigating Canvas

Student Records:  
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) describes parent and student rights to educational records.  A copy of the Weber District’s Family Educational Rights & Privacy Notice is included in the WSD Policy Section.  Students may request a transcript by filling out the necessary form in the Student Success Center.  There is $1.00 charge for each transcript.  Transcript request forms are also accessible through the Weber High school website.

If a student is suspended they have the right to make up school work missed during the period of the suspension under the guidelines set by the teacher.  A parent/guardian must be present at the required reinstatement conference at the conclusion of a suspension.  While suspended, a student may not be on school property or at any school activity. 

Incidents of theft or vandalism will be referred to the school resource officer and may also require school disciplinary intervention.

Any student trespassing at another school during school hours without permission may serve In School Suspension or be otherwise disciplined.  Anyone trespassing at Weber High may be referred to the police and to their school.  


  • Visitors of students are not allowed at Weber High School during school hours.  

  • Visitors include, but are not limited to: siblings, young children, friends or relatives from out of town or other schools. 

  •  Parents and other school patrons visiting the school must first check in at the office and obtain a visitor’s pass.  

  • Students from other schools are not allowed on campus during school hours.  

  • Please notify an administrator or teacher if you see a person who should not be in the building.         


The “Safe School” environment will not be compromised.  Students found in possession of weapons, look alike weapons or who knowingly endanger the safety of another individual, shall immediately be referred to the appropriate law enforcement agency and suspended from school until a thorough investigation is made of the circumstances. The policy may be viewed at & Students/Student Discipline Policy.

Young Children at School:  
Children are not to be brought to Weber High School by older brothers or sisters, faculty and staff during the school day.

Title VII, IX and Section 504 of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination in federally funded programs on the basis of sex, race, color, religion or national origin.  The Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) requires Weber School District to find and serve qualified students with disabilities residing in the district.  If you feel you have been discriminated against based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex or disability please contact the Principal directly with your concern. If it is the Principal you feel has discriminated against you, contact the Weber District Secondary Education Supervisor at 801-476-7876.

Federal Regulations Require That Schools Be Inspected for the Presence of Asbestos, a Toxic Material That Has Been Used in the Construction Industry for a Number of Years.  This School Has Been Inspected for Asbestos Containing Materials and the Results of the Inspections Are Contained in the Asbestos Management Plan.  the Asbestos Management Plan is Available for Your Preview at This School, the District Office, or a Copy of the Plan Can Be Provided to You for the Cost of Reproduction.

NOTE: The material contained in the School Policies and information section is reviewed annually by a school committee.  

 Weber High School Awards
Outstanding individual and team (group) achievement in activities recognized by the Utah High School Activities Association and/or Weber High School will be honored.

  1. Awards to students:

  1. Gold Warrior Head Pin: Presented to an individual student who achieves a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place in a national level competition; a 1st through 5th place in an International Competition; or is elected to a national level office.

  2. Silver Warrior Head Pin:  Presented to an individual student who achieves a 1st place in a State Competition or at least 4th or 5th place in a National Competition; State Sterling Scholar; the National Merit Scholarship finalist; or is elected to a state office in which all Utah 5A high schools are represented.

  3. White  W Team Pin:  Presented to the individual members of a team or group who achieve a First Place in a State or National Level Competition, or to National Merit finalists.

  4. Black W Pin:  Presented to the individual(s) or members of a group who achieve a Superior One rating at a State Competition or to National Merit semi-finalists.

  1. Academic, Service, Other Awards:

  2.   Academic Letter Award): Presented to an individual student, or staff member based upon completing pre-approved department criteria. Department criteria for lettering are available from the department chairperson.  Additional letters earned will be recognized with a certificate.

  3.   Red W Pin: Presented to a student who has achieved the high honor roll (3.8 GPA) for eight (8) terms while at Weber High School.

  4. Warrior Scholar Certificate:  Presented to Senior Students after they have been on the Honor roll all twelve (12) terms while in high school.

  5. Certificate of Award: Presented to students who achieve a significant award or recognition, which is not included in any of the above areas.

  6.   Valedictorian and Salutatorian: The two most academically outstanding graduates, determined by a set formula, will be named and receive a medal. 

  7.   Extra Curricular/Activity Letter:  Presented to students who have completed pre-approved group/activity criteria meeting the standards set by the Utah High School Activities Association and Weber High School.  Criteria are available from the sponsoring advisor/coach.  Students earning this award will be presented with a Weber High Certificate.

  8.   Sports Academic 4.00 Award: Senior athletes who attain a 4.00 cumulative GPA and have lettered in three (3) sports can receive this award.

 Note:  Honors attained by “groups” shall not be presented and/or recognized during the awards assemblies.semi-formal or best dress dances.  It is highly recommended that school dress standards relating to modesty be encouraged and supported by parents for all dances.  Students not wearing recommended attire will be asked to change  prior to being allowed to enter the dance.  Inappropriate behavior at dances could lead to removal from the dance, being prohibited from attending future dances or other extracurricular events, suspension or referral to law enforcement.  No moshing or re-entry at any dances.  Once students exit past the tables located at the entry to the dance, they will not be allowed to re-enter the dance.  Backpacks/ bags will not be allowed to be taken into dances and should be secured in your vehicle or left at home.  Weber High Students will be allowed to attend all dances either as couples or stag.  All tickets are sold as individual tickets  Dances are restricted to Weber High School students and dual enrolled students only, with one exception.  A Weber High student may bring one date from another high school (not junior high or middle school) or a person that is up to 19 years old.  Students that attend a junior high/middle school or are junior high school age, will not be permitted to attend any Weber High school dances.  Any date older than19 years of age will not be permitted to enter the dance.  Picture ID is required of all students attending dances (school ID, driver’s license, etc.).  

All Students Attending Any Dances That Are Not Current Weber High Students Will Need to Fill Out the Online Dance Guest Participation Form 2 Days Prior to Attending the Dance. Students Who Do Not Complete the Online Dance Form on Time Will Not Be Permitted in the Dance.

Dress Policy: Applies to All Students 
Weber High School students are expected to “Dress for Success” by exhibiting modesty, respect, and pride in their appearance, dress and grooming.  Appropriate school dress is important to the educational performance and attitude of students.  Clothing and apparel worn at school should focus a student’s attention toward the purpose of school, learning and doing their best.  

              You are a Weber Warrior!  Warriors rise to a higher level of expectation.

School Dress Code 

      Clothing worn at school must be modest and not distracting.

      Clothing must be size appropriate such as: No extremely revealing clothing, excessively saggy or baggy

      clothing or exposed undergarments.

Pajamas: No pajama bottoms, tops, slippers or other sleepwear. 

Shirts and tops: 

 Sleeves must go to the edge of the shoulder and armholes must be snug fitting. No low backs, deep scooped necklines, see-through or semi-transparent materials.  Underclothing must not be visible. Midriff or bare back must not be exposed when involved in normal school activities such as walking, sitting, bending over a desk, raising a hand, etc. No tank tops.

Shorts, skirts, and dresses
Shorts, skirts, and dresses must extend to mid-thigh or lower.  No mini-skirts, mini-dresses or short shorts at school are allowed.  No sheer Leggings, tights.  Clothing cannot present an actual distraction or disruption to the educational process. A slit in a dress or skirt may not extend higher than mid-thigh.  


NO Bandanas, Animal Ears or hoods worn on the head.

              Potentially dangerous apparel items such as spiked clothing, large or long chains-8 inches or longer, or unsafe accessories will not be allowed.  Clothing or accessories which may cause a significant distraction to learning  are not allowed.

Clothing will not be permitted that is sexually provocative, mutilated - including holes which reveal upper thigh, displays offensive language or slogans, advertises or alludes to substances a student cannot legally possess, or is gang related.  No costumes with the possible exception of Halloween day at the discretion of the principal.  

   State health code requires that shoes be worn in school at all times.

Disciplinary interventions for noncompliance may include: 

               Students may be sent home to change or asked to wear school-provided attire, etc. in order to meet dress code. 

1st Offense:  Warning, change of clothes,  with documentation on Discipline Tracker.

2nd Offense:  Parent notification with documentation on Discipline Tracker.

3rd Offense:  Parent notification by administration with documentation on Discipline Tracker and possible in school suspension.

Drivers Education:  
Utah State Law now states that you can register for Drivers Ed. any time after your 15th birthday.  Thirty (30) hours of theory class time MUST BE COMPLETED before being assigned to range.  After passing the range test, road assignments will be made.  The entire process takes approximately three (3) months to complete.  Cost is $130.00 Packets may be picked up in the main office.

Drug Testing (Random):  
The District supports an educational drug awareness and testing program for all students in grades nine (9) through twelve (12) who participate in extracurricular activities at the high school for the